Coolest thing, so google made a deal with the church so that if anyone
googled one of the "questions of the soul" such as, is there a god?
Where do I go after I die? Etc. the first thing that popped up would
be We are one of the 5 missions testing this out right
now. Well Sergey and Olga are some of those people. Olga has been
being prepared for the past nine years in Russia. She met some Mormons
and has been asking them what they believe and things like that. She
really liked it. It is really hard to share the gospel in Russia so
she didn't get too far. Her son moved to Richmond for school three
years ago and she visits often. Well, she told her son about what she
had been thinking about and they found from google. They
both loved what they read and chatted with the missionaries. He called
us on Saturday and said that they wanted to come to our church and
learn about it! They said they spent Saturday getting nice clothes to
wear to church. Well they showed up early and we were able to talk to
them for a while. It was such a huge miracle! They were planning on
staying all three hours but, because God is so good, sacrament meeting
was amazing! The Spirit was so strong and the talks were about how we
can find our answers and not doubting or searching for a sign. Olga
said all that was said is exactly what she has been thinking about.
She learned so much that she said she would feel overwhelmed if she
went to the second hour. Long story short, they loved church!
Extremely prepared. Technically since he is a mid single adult we
would teach him but he does live right outside of our boundaries and
the other ward would be better for fellowship so they are going to
teach them. But I am extremely grateful I was able to be a part of it!
"No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions
may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame,
but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent,
till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept
every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God
shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is
done." So many people say that the gospel was restored. They say it
like it is one thing that happened. The gospel is being restored right
now. The work is not finished. We have a part to play. The church
started with 6 people who had no idea what they were doing and now it
has over six million. It is filling the earth. There are unhallowed
hands everywhere so many people and philosophies against the church,
but they come and they leave. This gospel will be sounded in every
ear, and I am so grateful to live in this dispensation and be a part
of this great work. There is nothing I would rather be doing!
❤️ Sister Ruffner
Went to the capital building today and pretty much Virginia is
American history.
Played tennis with the Hermanas on exchanges!
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